Let's reset your base together!

Resetting your body to the base will form the basis of all my journeys.

I want to reset your body with you and go back to basics.

That you learn to understand your body, no longer experience complaints and find the right balance in your life.

Let's reset your base together!

Resetting your body to the base will form the basis of all my journeys.

I want to reset your body with you and go back to basics.

That you learn to understand your body, no longer experience complaints and find the right balance in your life.

What can I do for you?

The body is a working whole in which important systems work together. Imbalances in one system can cause imbalances in other systems and you can experience complaints with this.

It is really fantastic to know how to heal our own body with the right methods and increase our quality of life.

An orthomolecular treatment will always act from the basics, that means from the basis of nutrition, exercise, sleep and rest, supplemented with orthomolecular supplementation.

I can help you with

What can I do for you?

The body is a working whole in which important systems work together. Imbalances in one system can cause imbalances in other systems and you can experience complaints with this.

It is really fantastic to know how to heal our own body with the right methods and increase our quality of life.

An orthomolecular treatment will always act from the basics, that means from the basis of nutrition, exercise, sleep and rest, supplemented with orthomolecular supplementation.

I can help you with

What does an orthomolecular treatment entail?

The word orthomolecular is derived from the Greek word, Porthos, which means right or healthy, and molecular stands for all the molecules in our body. This means that orthomolecular medicine strives to offer the body the substances that it can use and process optimally to stay healthy or to restore our health.

Chronic conditions often require more than just medication. When the medication is stopped, the symptoms often remain, such as diabetes, heart disease or rheumatism. Often we have to go back to basics and feed the body with endogenous substances that support the natural healing process.

In short, orthomolecular medicine is based on restoring and stimulating people's own healing powers by ensuring that there is optimal availability of all molecules necessary for the recovery processes, also with a view to the long term. An orthomolecular treatment will always be based on the basics, that means always on the basis of nutrition, exercise, sleep and rest, supplemented with orthomolecular supplementation.

What does an orthomolecular treatment entail?

The word orthomolecular is derived from the Greek word, Porthos, which means right or healthy, and molecular stands for all the molecules in our body. This means that orthomolecular medicine strives to offer the body the substances that it can use and process optimally to stay healthy or to restore our health.

Chronic conditions often require more than just medication. When the medication is stopped, the symptoms often remain, such as diabetes, heart disease or rheumatism. Often we have to go back to basics and feed the body with endogenous substances that support the natural healing process.

In short, orthomolecular medicine is based on restoring and stimulating people's own healing powers by ensuring that there is optimal availability of all molecules necessary for the recovery processes, also with a view to the long term. An orthomolecular treatment will always be based on the basics, that means always on the basis of nutrition, exercise, sleep and rest, supplemented with orthomolecular supplementation.


Vague complaints

Ruba helped me so much. I suffered from all kinds of vague complaints and after several visits to the doctor without results, I approached Ruba. After a super nice intake interview, I did the EMB test and adjusted my diet and supplemented it with supplements. I feel like a different person! I am very grateful to Ruba and I definitely recommend her!

Ellis, 35

Hormone balance

I was diagnosed with pcos in 2012. Unfortunately, the complaints did not go away (after many visits to the doctor) and I decided to focus on my overall health and nutrition. It went a little better, but I still didn't have the desired result. In the meantime I also had a dear friend and a child's wish. In the end, after a blood test, I changed my lifestyle and my complaints have decreased.

Zoe, 28


5 years ago I first experienced hair loss. I thought it was stress related and bought good shampoos but unfortunately my hair kept falling out. Eventually it got so bad that I had to wear caps and headbands. After a blood test I found out that I had many vitamin deficiencies, among other things. Then I started working with Ruba and my hair growth has improved a lot. The doctor had no explanation for my hair loss. I'm glad I did my own research.

Joyce, 45


Vague complaints

Ruba helped me so much. I suffered from all kinds of vague complaints and after several visits to the doctor without results, I approached Ruba. After a super nice intake interview, I did the EMB test and adjusted my diet and supplemented it with supplements. I feel like a different person! I am very grateful to Ruba and I definitely recommend her!

Ellis, 35

Hormone balance

I was diagnosed with pcos in 2012. Unfortunately, the complaints did not go away (after many visits to the doctor) and I decided to focus on my overall health and nutrition. It went a little better, but I still didn't have the desired result. In the meantime I also had a dear friend and a child's wish. In the end, after a blood test, I changed my lifestyle and my complaints have decreased.

Zoe, 28


5 years ago I first experienced hair loss. I thought it was stress related and bought good shampoos but unfortunately my hair kept falling out. Eventually it got so bad that I had to wear caps and headbands. After a blood test I found out that I had many vitamin deficiencies, among other things. Then I started working with Ruba and my hair growth has improved a lot. The doctor had no explanation for my hair loss. I'm glad I did my own research.

Joyce, 45
